Collaborative strategies of heterogeneous robot activity at solving agriculture missions controlled via intuitive human-robot interfaces – HARMONIC

Vrsta projekta: Strani

Period realizacije: 01.07.2018. – 30.06.2021.

Partneri na projektu:

1) St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rusija;
2) Leipzig University of Telecommunications, Nemačka;
3) Erzurum Technical University, Turska;
4) Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Budžet projekta: 409.100,00 € - ukupan budžet projekta, 24.950,00 € - budžet FTN-a

Rukovodilac: prof. dr Vlado Delić

Collaborative activity of groups of heterogeneous robots, as well as their delivery/transportation to the point of direct solution of applied problems, are ones of the main unresolved problems in the agriculture robotics. The main aim of the research in this project is development of theoretical basis of autonomous functioning of the mobile platform for serving group of unmaned aerial vehicle (UAV) under high level, mission based, remote control via intuitive user interface during agriculture operations.
A distinctive feature of the project is the presence of built-in parking spaces for several UAVs. Unlike the current works, an optimal joint functioning of groups of heterogeneous unmanned vehicles will be developed during the project. The main tasks of the project are: 1) development of theoretical basis of autonomous functioning the mobile platform served UAVs; 2) development of theoretical basis of group interaction of heterogeneous UAVs at solving agriculture operations; 3) development of theoretical basis of of human-platform-UAV interaction and control including collaborative learning and time-critical interaction components via gesture, voice, etc.
The main impact of the project will be in creation of agriculture robotic system capable to minimize the effort and injuries of people in agrarian operations; maximize the coverage area of automation farming; minimize use of fertilizers through using UAVs and principles of precise agriculture.
Different climatic zones of the project partners helps to study the various conditions of fields and agrarian products, which should be manipulated and processed by the developing platform and drones. Mixing different European partners could contribute to develop more universal agricultural robots and intuitive interfaces for remote user control. The partners have long success story of fruitful cooperation confirmed by multiple joint on-going and completed projects, holding international conferences and papers.