Innovative Network for Training in water and Food Quality monitoring using Autonomous Sensors and Intelligent Data Gathering and Analysis – AQUASENSE

Vrsta projekta: Strani

Period realizacije: 01.10.2018 – 30.09.2022.

Partneri na projektu:

  • University of Glasgow (UK)
  • Fakultet tehničkih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu (RS)
  • University of Edinburgh (UK)
  • Institute of Electronic Technologies (PL)
  • University college Cork – National University of Ireland (IR)
  • Bruno Kessler Foundation (IT)
  • Carinthian tech research ag (AT)
  • Evologics gmbh (DE)
  • West Aquila srl (IT)
  • Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies (EE)
  • Linkoping University (SE)
  • University of Exeter (UK)

Budžet projekta: 4 064 583,24 € - ukupan budžet projekta, 215 851,50 € - budžet FTN-a

Rukovodilac: prof. dr Goran Stojanović (lider FTN tima)

Web sajt projekta:

There is a gap between the technology and the end-user due to a collective lack of training, in- depth knowledge, and skilled workers who can meet new and emerging challenges. There is also a disconnect between data quality, data gathering by autonomous sensors and data analysis, which is a major obstacle, as the sensors are already being deployed (e.g. through buoys, boats etc.). AQUASENSE will address these challenges through 15 early stage researchers (ESRs), who will receive 540 person-month of unparalleled multidisciplinary training in the field of water quality monitoring. Each ESR will be mentored by carefully selected experts from academia and industry in 9 European countries (UK, Germany, Ireland, Serbia, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Austria, Estonia) and will have access to state-of-the-art equipment to develop autonomous sensors for improved data quality. The autonomous underwater robots and drones will be used to improve the data gathering and artificial intelligence methods will be used to improve the data analysis. Hands-on project training will be supplemented with formal training courses in relevant fields such as new materials, sensors fabrication, wireless communication, system integration, and robotics, and a variety of complementary courses such as IPR, grant writing and exploiting the scientific results. Mobility within the network will ensure exposure to complementary academic and industrial research environments.