Innovative bio-inspired sensors and microfluidic devices for saliva-based theranostics of oral and systemic diseases – SALSETH

Vrsta projekta: Strani

Period realizacije: 01.12.2019 – 30.11.2023

Partneri na projektu:

  • University of Novi Sad (RS)
  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (PL)
  • Materials Research Centre Ltd. (UE)
  • WEST Aquila S.r.l. (IT)
  • Naturality research and development (ES)
  • AYUS GmbH (DE)
  • The University of Malaya (ML)
  • Curtin University (AA)

Budžet projekta: 800 400,00 € - ukupan budžet projekta, 220 800,00 € - budžet UNS-a

Rukovodilac: prof. dr Goran Stojanović

Web sajt projekta:

Oral hygiene is the cornerstone of good oral health and World Health Organization recognizes oral health as an integral part of systemic health. Among the non-invasive organic fluids, saliva is one of the most preferable and practical specimens for oral and systemic health monitoring as it is readily available and easily collected and stored. Saliva is frequently called a “mirror of the body” since it can reflect both the physiological and pathological conditions in the entire human organism. The SALSETH project proposal facilitates exchange of knowledge, skills, competencies and capabilities (through secondments) of 8 internationally top-ranking participating organizations (4 from academic sector and 4 SMEs) from Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine, Malaysia and Australia. This project proposal promotes international and intersectoral collaboration between participating institutions, bringing experts from different fields of science in a unique R&I set up. The SALSETH brings together expertise of the respectable institutions to reach beyond the-state-of-the-art advances in: (1) natural and bioinspired biocompatible materials; (2) edible food-based sensors which can promptly detect important biomarkers from saliva; (3) external smart electronic device for wireless reading data from sensors; and (4) microfluidic devices for optimal administration of drugs or essential oils as a main part of the intraoral appliances for better oral and systemic health. Through carefully designed secondments, the seconded staff will work on significant technological breakthrough in salivary theranostics for personalized dental bio-medicine. This interdisciplinary project offers an excellent research oriented environment for the personal and professional growth of the involved staff members. The SALSETH will open possibilities of salivary diagnostics for personalized individual medicine applications including clinical treatment options and outcome evaluation predictions.