Vrsta projekta: Strani
Period realizacije: 01.04.2019 – 30.09.2021
Partneri na projektu:
- Fakultet tehničkih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu (Lead partner),
- Klinički centar Vojvodine,
- Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku,
- Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek,
- Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu,
- Klinički bolnički centar Osijek
Budžet projekta: 1 936 989,91 € - ukupan budžet projekta, 402 952,39 € - budžet FTN-a
Rukovodilac: prof. dr Boris Dumnić
Web sajt projekta: https://rescue-ipa.eu/
Main goal of this project is therefore to demonstrate innovative RES and EE approach for public buildings in the cross-border region. FERIT and FTN gained substantial know-how in the field of RES by implementing small-scale RES on their public buildings through successful cooperation on bilateral projects aiming to establish common research and education frame in the cross-border region. This project will strengthen this cooperation and involve new partners – KCV, KBCO and SFSB. Within the RESCUE project we are aiming to promote the use of sustainable energy and energy efficiency in public buildings (specific objective 2.2), especially in public buildings with high energy demand. By introduction of RES based energy efficient smart Buildings Energy Management Systems (BEMS), RESCUE seeks to demonstrate sustainable, low-carbon solution for health centers and university education buildings, demonstrating applicability to other public buildings. Transferring know-how from university to healthcare a climate-smart solution will help reduce healthcare’s climate footprint and yield multiple benefits. This way health centers and university education public buildings are no longer exempt from playing an important role as an environmental leader in the region. All targeted groups will benefit from resulting knowledge transfer, workshops, publications, project conferences, printed and digital promotion material.