Renewable Energy Virtual Laboratory (REVLAB)

Vrsta projekta: Strani

Period realizacije: 01.05.2014 – 31.08.2015.

Partneri na projektu:

  • Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Fakultet tehničkih nauka (Departman za energetiku, elektroniku i telekomunikacije i Departman za računarstvo i automatiku)
  • Univerzitet u Segedinu (Departman za tehničku informatiku)

Budžet projekta: Ukupan budžet projekta 304 209,96 € od čega 217 746,96 € za Fakultet tehničkih nauka, a 86 463 € za Univerzitet u Segedinu

Rukovodilac: prof. dr Branko Milosavljević

Web sajt projekta:

The REVLAB project between the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences and the University of Szeged, Department of Technical Informatics established a cross-border research cooperation in the field of renewable energy technology which resulted in the first-of-a-kind high-power renewable energy and smart grid laboratory that is completely safe, scalable and accessible anytime from anywhere in the world.

The objectives of the REVLAB project were:

– the development of infrastructural and equipment capacities for research and knowledge transfer in the field of renewable energy and smart grids;

– to jointly develop the virtual laboratory based on real time emulator hardware and software technology;

– to develop web portal and necessary communication and server infrastructure to enable and online access to the laboratory and distant experiments;

– to develop applications for energy efficiency improvement in the field of renewable energy sources, such as wind energy and photovoltaic;

– to make the latest achievements in the field of renewable energy technology and smart grids available globally over the Internet by establishing virtual laboratory as a new method for knowledge transfer between scientific institutions and economy actors.